08 Gezondheids- en werkplekaspecten
 >  Winter conditions
Discussion > Talk with your colleagues about it!
  • My supervisor gives me the time needed to remove snow and ice from the construction site, before I start working.
  • When possible, I am offered other activities so that I do not have to work in extreme cold.

Most of us can easily remember a severe winter. The things we remember most are the inconveniences, such as the slippery conditions and cold. Aside from your body, the equipment you use for your work is also affected by cold. This toolbox provides you with information on how to protect yourself, and materials and equipment from cold.

Risks > What can happen?
  • Hyperthermia
  • Freezing (incl. fingers, nose, ears and toes)
  • Slippery conditions
  • Collision hazards
  • Tripping
  • Falling
  • Slipping
Measures > What must you do?

Prevent hyperthermia

  • Wear winter clothing
  • Drink warm beverages during breaks
  • Heat the canteen
  • Shield the areas from draughts

Prevent slippery conditions

  • Provide for anti-skid agents
  • Discharge surface water using drainage, trenches, sewerage systems and pumps, for example
  • Remove ice and snow from work areas
  • Ensure that the scaffolding work floors, ladders and stairs are free from snow and ice
  • Ensure that walking routes are free from snow and ice
  • Plug holes and pits, and level ruts
  • Spread anti-skid agents preventatively at the end of the working day (see tips)

Prevent materials and equipment from freezing

  • Ensure materials and equipment are properly covered
  • Ensure that water lines are covered with proper insulation or that they are properly drained
  • Ensure that central heating installations cannot break due to freezing
  • Store water hoses away from frost
  • Store materials clear off the ground

Prevent collision hazards

  • Ensure that vehicle windows are free from ice and/or frost
  • Brake gradually
  • Keep sufficient distance
  • Pull up and drive calmly


Wintermuts voor onder de helm
Thermo sok
Handschoenen gevoerd en waterdicht
Tips > For more information

Spreading sand

Slippery conditions on scaffolding, stairs and footbridges must be controlled by spreading sand (note! no salt, especially avoid using salt when construction involves sand-lime brick or prefab concrete) 


In winter the days are short and dark, so ensure that the workplace is well-lit.

Tips > For more information

Construction lighting: Construction lighting toolbox

Weather report: Windfinder app

VeiligGoed webshop: Wijngaarden VeiligGoed

Scan de volgende code met de app om deze toolbox te bekijken.